the forms of accounts中文什么意思

发音:   用"the forms of accounts"造句
  • form:    n. 1.形态;形状;样子,外貌;【 ...
  • account:    n. 1.计算;账;账目;账户;计算 ...
  • forms:    窗体; 格式; 模板; 战斗模式
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  1. Then , after an analysis of audit contracts and audit demand , we discuss how to choose the form of business organization after the first reform in the audit profession by applying . agency theory . we think the form of accounting firm should be partnership - - - - - - llp or cp . it is the reason that there exist risk of audit agency and the characteristic of capital agency and the characteristic of capital composition in accounting firms
  2. The forth chapter has introduced the subject and object of accounting information market and also its scope , attributes and characteristics . the scope of it ' s object covers accounting information produced by accountant inside economic units and disclosed towards outside user in the forms of accounting documents


  1. the former world champion 什么意思
  2. the former----the latter 什么意思
  3. the formidable lady from shaolin 什么意思
  4. the forming of any necessary opinion 什么意思
  5. the forming of head 什么意思
  6. the forms of american government 什么意思
  7. the forms of art are many and varied 什么意思
  8. the formula 什么意思
  9. the formula and hard consonants 什么意思
  10. the formula of general term 什么意思



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